Ps4 download update 7.01

I understand that to use the external drive after the restore has been used from it to update the new 2TB internal that It will require a PS4 format. All is well. Hope everything works smooth for everyone out there doing their upgrade and they remember to take you time and hopefully the answer will show itself.

I have approved your comments to let other users who have similar problem learn from them. Most probably a defective device. PS4 will not allow format. What can I do to fix this? Do you have a USB-Hub based external hard drive? If this is the case, it will never be recognized by PS4. I left everything plugged in all night, nothing was disconnected but there was a message saying that the hd had been disconnected incorrectly. Since then I have not been able to get it to work.

I have switched ports and connected it to a PC that says the device is working properly and restarted the PS4 3 times. I have been using this since January. Any suggestions would be appreciated…. Try to reset your system to default settings and tell me what you get.

Hey, thanks for the speedy reply…just got a chance to reset to default settings and I am still getting the same message that says the USB storage device is not connected. Ok then. Probably a bad sector or a system file error from your external hard drive. Connect your external hard drive to your PC, and perform an error check and let your PC fix all errors on your device. It still says that there bnb is not a storage device detected…. I already replied to you my friend.

I said to perform an error check on the drive. Read my previous reply. Do you have any friend who has a PS4 also? Hi again, sorry for the confusion about your reply yesterday. I assumed the reply would show up in the forum. Your help is very appreciated:- I ran an error check on the HD thru the PC and it came up with no errors detected.

I will be out of town. If you have any other suggestions in the meantime I will be keeping an eye out for them and will let you know when I can try it out on my friends system. You said you kept your external hard drive connected to your USB for so long then this happened.

If my guess is right, then you have to take your console to a technician to replace your USB card. Do one last attempt. Does it work fine or not? After finally getting the system to reboot we had to do a complete factory reset. We had our external hard drive plugged in when the system freaked out.

Anyway, like I said we got the system back up and reset. I am unsure of what to to do. Please help. This problem seems common among users. They all do the same mistake, keeping the external hard drive connected to PS4 for too long which may cause electrical shorts to either the USB card of PS4 or to the external hard drive itself.

If possible, connect your external hard drive to another PS4 and see what it says. This is highly recommended. See if your PS4 will recognize it or not. Okay so the external hard drive was instantly working on our other PS4. Try to do a clean installation of PS4 System software from scratch download the full installation package. But I strongly suggest before you do that to connect any USB storage to your PS4 you can connect your phone to PS4 as some brands can be recognized as storage devices.

Tell me then what you get. Hello, for some reason I unplugged my hard drive from my Ps4 and left it unplugged for about 4 days. After trying again, the light stopped turning on. I tried to plug it into my PC but it does not get recognized either, so I am not able to do a full format.

My Ps4 is up to date and since January my hard drive has been working fine, yet the one time I unplug it it malfunctions. I have a ton of games on the hard drive and do not want to re-purchase as it is expensive enough to have 1. Probably it is the USB bridge in your external hard drive that failed. You can do one thing to identify the real problem.

Dismantle your external hard drive and remove its enclosure. Take the bare hard drive and connect it to a PC internally. Most probably it will work. Hi, i have a seagate 2TB PS4 external storage. I downloaded a game update and after that it crashed. PS4 crashed, harddrive crashed, i try to connect it to pc but wont connect.

Dismantle your external hard drive connect it internally to a PC. If it does not work either, your external HDD is dead. Is there a guide on the dismantle part? And its like a week old since i bought it. Is it really this trash? Just unscrew the external hard drive enclosure and pull the hard drive out.

Then connect it internally to a PC to check if it works or not. If this is not possible to you, just take it to a technician and he will check it for you. And it is not just about the external hard drive itself.

Probably it is good, but there was an electrical short occurred when it was connected to your PS4 that caused the whole problem.

My PS4 is updated to 5. Used the HD with no issues and was able to copy games with no problems. HD was unplugged for a couple of weeks and when I went to plug it back in I started having issues.

I again plugged in the HD and attempted to format as extended storage and still get the same error message. Any help would be appreciated. A new USB 3. Still stuck. You can do nothing but to wait for a new release of PS4 system software update, as many users are having the same problem as yours.

Is there a way of finding out if Sony is aware of this issue? Thanks again for the help. My Seagate 2 tb external hard drive stopped working when my PS4 froze and I had to unplug cable to reset. I eventually shut down ps4. Unplugged the power to it and let sit for a few minutes off completely.

Reboot and plug and and the repair worked. Hope this helps someone. Thank you for sharing your experience. I have approved your comment in hope it might help someone. I just bought a WD 1 TB passport external drive. Connected to PS4 ok. Formatted ok for extended storage.

When I try to move games to it, even just one, it starts then seems to hang for hours making no progress. I did that plus a full slow exFAT format from my pc. Formatted on the ps4 as extended storage.

Game copy makes a lot of progress, then PS4 shuts off. Try to pull out the internal hard drive of PS4 Pro and connect it to a PC, and go diagnose it with error check. If you find nothing, then you have to perform a FULL format. Because mechanical hard drives decline by time and they need a full format every year or two to restore the lost performance. The light on the seagate is on but it never flashes and both the hard drives had usb 3.

Afterwards, connect the external hard drive to your PS4, then restart it. If the same problem occurs, then most probably it is a hardware failure in your PS4. This was happening to me but I solved it! Plug it in, unplug it do whatever to reset it and it should work. My system is up to date. You must verify first that your external hard drive works well before taking any other step. Try to unplug the PS4 power cord and keep it unplugged for minutes, then turn on PS4 while your external hard drive is attached to it.

Check if this works for you or not. No, it is not possible. Check this article for PS4-compatible 8tb external hard drive options.

Hey so my brothers ps4 hdd stopped reading and I put 2 of the old storge and I put my 4tb in and it still said not reading the hdd what should we do? To make sure about that, try to connect different USB devices to your PS4 and check whether they work or not. Something like a USB flash drive. Once this is confirmed, you need to take it to a technician to fix it. Then, Make sure to update your PS4 system software to the latest version. It may be damaged or malfunctioning which requires that you take it to a technician.

I hooked it up to my PS4 original not Pro so there are only the 2 USB ports in the front , formatted the Drive and then proceeded to move all my game files over from the PS4 to the Drive as my PS4 storage was almost full and not running optimally. I have since removed the Drive and plugged it into my PC, all tests showed that everything is working fine on the Drive. This kind of problem has happened lots to PS4 users.

You may have success in resolving it by doing the following:. If not, then.. Also my system software is up to date. As for resetting PS4 system, it will delete all your data. Or should I still do the Database Rebuild. If not, you probably have a serious issue with the USB connection. This will surely reveal the truth about this issue. Most of the times the USB connection malfunctions because of program conflicts. So just do these steps and tell me what you get. By the way, you can backup your PS4 hard drive if you connect it to a PC using any cloning software.

If you have found it, it means your external hard drive is still working. If it works fine, that means the USB bridge of your external hard drive is malfunctioning and needs a replacement. While playing the black out beta to black ops 4 my system suddenly crashed. It was not responsive and I had the external 2TB hard drive plugged in. Try to unplug the external hard drive, turn off electricity on PS4 after you shut it down, and finally boot up your PS4.

Tell me whether this fixes it for you or not. Turn off your PS4. Unplug the external hard drive. Does PS4 system recognize it? Oh sorry! I read it Your external hard drive is defective.

Probably was subjected to water or high degree of heat. Take a last step and connect it to a PC. Yes, that means I am right. Your external hard drive is defective my friend and you need to dispose of it. You need either a desktop external hard drive or an external SSD too expensive. So, i was playing Spider-Man and the game crashed, so next thing i do is close the game but the entire system get crashed for a minutes and now ps4 wont reconice my external hard drive what can i do?

Oh, this is a dangerous situation. I hope your USB card was not burnt, because this action usually not always happens when a serious hardware failure occurs. Secondly, connect a USB device e. My PC recognizes my external hard drive and my PS4 usb port works fine i put some screenshoots from the ps4. Ok good. Can you run Check Disk on your external hard drive through your PC?

Probably there are some bad sectors on your external HDD that need to be fixed. Please check all the boxes in the Check Disk screen.

If NOT, then yes, it is defective. I recently just bought a seagate 2tb external usb hard drive. If you have properly set up your external hard drive as an extended storage and this message then shows up, then most probably it is an error with the operating system.

Reset PS4 to its factory settings and this should fix your problem. If not, come back and I will suggest some more solutions. Hey, just purchased a Seagate 2T and connected it to my 1st gen PS4. I did this while the 1st disc of the RDR2 was being copied or installed. I restarted the PS4 again and this time, it didnt recognized it anymore. The little blue light is not coming up anymore, although it feels that the drive is working if I touch it.

The light doesnt come up in the PC anymore either. Any thoughts? Hi Rob. We need to perform several tests in order to identify the problem. Do you see your external hard drive there? If you can find it there, the problem is easy to fix. The file system is just corrupted and you need to perform a FULL format not quick in order to fix this problem. I still have several things for you to try. Hi, I need some advise please. My son took my external HDD Lenovo 3.

As you can imagine, I got my external hard drive back and now I cannot access my files from a PC. Is there a way I can save my data, before doing a full format? You get a data recovery software to recover all your lost data. This article might help you find a good FREE data recovery software that might help. Hi, so my 1TB external storage randomly stopped working.

Also when I go to volumes nothing shoes up about the capacity etc. Then I pressed populate and now my extended storage is beeping like crazy. Can you check again your external hard drive on your PC? Tell me whether it shows up there or not. I got it to work last night, formatted the storage, then tried downloading 2 games.

One of them kept freezing, so I decided to try and delete the game. But my whole system would freeze. My system tells me to format the extended storage, when I go to do so. The FULL format would override the bad sectors and make your hard drive usable again.

Try implementing the tip illustrated in my previous comment to you. Hope this would fix your problem. Try to turn off your PS4 completely shut down , unplug the power cable of PS4, and finally connect the external hard drive via the other USB port.

Make sure you connect it tightly and the USB connector is fully crammed inside the port. Make sure also the second end of the cable is properly fixed into your external hard drive USB port. Now restart your PS4 while the external hard drive is connected to it. Does it resolve your problem? Either a faulty drive or a faulty USB cable. Connect it to a PC and check whether it works or not.

Restart the ps4 normally, reformat the expanded drive, delete any notifications on the update and then continue to redownload latest update. If this doesnt work go to safe mode by holding down the power button then select rebuild database and go from there. Most likely doesnt have anything to do with the harddrive the ps4 system tends to mess up in the middle of its updates.

I have just bought a Seagate 2tb hdd and I got it formatted and loaded games on it, started playing red dead redemption 2 and after a few hours my ps4 froze up and I held down the power button until it reset and not it tells me my hdd needs to be repaired, I have tried numerous times to repair it and it worked one time so I tried to move my games off of it and the ps4 started moving the game then it said it stopped and I got a message saying it was disconnected improperly.

I plugged the hdd into my laptop and it works fine, but when I click on properties I can find the tool tab to run the error check. I need help. Download SeaTools to fix any error in your Seagate external hard drive. It can immensely help in your situation. I have the Seagate 5TB external hard drive. One night i was playing my game when my cat ran by and accidentally disconnected my cable that connects to the USB.

Connecting it to my computer though WILL recognize it. I have a friend hopefully coming over tomorrow with his PlayStation so I can try connecting to his console. Try to connect your external hard drive to the other port and see whether it works or not. If not, turn off PS4 and remove the power cable from its socket. Wait 30 seconds, connect your external hard drive to your other USB port, and connect your PS4 power cable plug to its socket again. Now, turn on PS4 and see whether it recognizes it or not.

Download SeaTools and install it on your PC, then perform a full maintenance on your external hard drive. Hope this will eventually fix the problem. Plus it has its own drawbacks that hold back many users from authorizing it as their first option. Pull it out from the external enclosure and connect it to a PC.

My seagate ps4 game drive 2tb is not getting recognized when I plug it into my PlayStation. The light will not turn on either on the gamedrive. My computer will detect it but not my PlayStation. You either need to update the PS4 system software to the latest version, rebuild your PS4 database, or just reset it to factory settings. If it does, come back to me and I will provide you with solutions. My sons 2tb Seagate external drive stop working.

I just bought it like 2 months ago, I will go tomorrow to game stop and see it I can get a new one….. Just do that and tell me if it works or not.

I was wondering if this product even works on the ps4 and if not what product will. Should I return it and buy the same hard drive? Is it a defective drive? Yes I am. Just read the reviews on that drive on Amazon and see how many guys said it worked well for them on PS4. Probably a long shot but here we go. Turned out to be a bad PCB Board. I replaced the board and plugged it in to my laptop. Now, tested it on MY PS4. Works just fine on my PS4, got the error message that it was disconnected properly from the system and blah blah blah.

Repaired it on my PS4 and it works just fine on my PS4. Okay, restart, nothing. Full power down, nothing. Now, even if you buy a new external hard drive from the same brand and model, it will still NOT recognize it for that reason.

This happens sometimes due to some hidden errors in operating systems. What you can do about that is to reset PS4 system to factory settings. I think this will work.

I cannot assure you that, but most probably NOT. O tried restart and reconecting but nothing works. Can you please send us some screen shots of the messages you get on your PS4 so we can better help you. Firstly I wanna thank you for the comprehensive information posted here! I have came across many comments to which you mentioned that leaving the extended hdd plugged in may lead to electric shock and deem the hdd unreadable. I would like to know if I have to safely disconnect the extended hdd every single time before turning the ps4 off or can I leave the extended hdd plugged in?

Is this advisable? Or would it be safer to just safely unplug it when i am done gaming? My concern is 1. Thanks for your nice compliment, I appreciate it. Can we register yet? Cause when I click the link while logged in it has nothing else to there to press am I already registered?

Do we have some country laws that forbid the event? A cool way to tie a community competition and rewards into their latest marketing. A strange choice. Still, a meta game and some giveaways is really nothing for people to start getting annoyed over!

And of course the geo locked smart phone app. Suddenly it feels like playstation and their events went back in time to or something. Help would be greatly appreciated! I already have a ps5 what I really want is more storage for my ps5. A ssd external drive cost alot of money at the moment. Same here. Just give it time. Yeah Man bring themes back for the Ps5 n make them phenomenal show the Beauty n Life of the Ps5 n animation avatars would be amazing! People should appreciate the fact that Sony doing community challenges and rewards program for PlayStation community instead complaining and being salty over porting from console into PC.

Just enjoy receiving free avatars and theme. I want to see these kinds of fans like you. I guess this is cool if you are a fan of 1st party games but there is no incentive to go rushing through my monthly J-rpg list to get some lame GOW or Horizon avatars. What about players in UAE? Why you dont consider them? Seemed to be bugged for me. I signed up and the page told me that I am on board. But when I want to take a look on the progress, I have to sign up again.

No matter how many times I try. Can you guys see the progress? I am not sure if it is a problem on my side or your side but nothing is happening for me. No points are appearing and I have no idea if I am even a part of the event signed up multiple times. This seems poorly designed. You must be logged in to post a comment. We use cookies to personalise your experience and ads on this website and other websites. For more information, visit our Cookie information opens in a new window page.

Should satisfy most anyone. John G. Anonymous said on October 19, at pm. Anonymous said on October 20, at am. Software tester said on October 20, at am. Easiest method to put taskbar on top, create a. Software tester said on October 20, at pm. Ashwin said on October 20, at pm.

Anonymous said on October 20, at pm. Dumbledalf said on October 21, at am. Oh the tragedy, the horror. Ashwin said on October 22, at am. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Comment Check the box to consent to your data being stored in line with the guidelines set out in our privacy policy We love comments and welcome thoughtful and civilized discussion. Rudeness and personal attacks will not be tolerated. Please stay on-topic. Please note that your comment may not appear immediately after you post it.

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Published in: November 9, am Updated in: November 9, am. Published in: November 8, pm Updated in: November 8, pm. About gHacks Ghacks is a technology news blog that was founded in by Martin Brinkmann.

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