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While Dennis and Dee try to figure out if the rapper Dee is dating has a mental handicap or not, Charlie, Mac, and Frank try to start their own band without knowledge of how to play musical instruments. S3, Ep After reading that a serial killer is on the loose, the gang notices that Mac is acting shady and decides to find out if he's the man behind the murders.
Dennis is angry because he's being mistaken for a fat guy rather than the sex offender who moved next door to Charlie. Meanwhile, Mac's father is released from prison and he and Mac have some catching up to do. Mac becomes a mob informant, while Frank pimps out Dennis as an escort at the local country club. Charlie stumbles upon an opportunity to sell illegal narcotics.
While paying off their debt to the mob, Charlie and Dee try to find a way to make fake cocaine in order to fool them, while Dennis ranks in thousands of dollars being pimped out at the local country club. Mac realizes his position as a mob informant isn't being utilized to its full potential. Dee and Mac become Guardian Angels and clean up the streets when a bum starts using the alley behind the bar to masturbate.
Meanwhile, Dennis, Charlie, and Frank impersonate police officers in order to get preferential treatment. After Charlie accidentally puts Paddy's Pub up for 1st prize in a local dance competition, Frank makes the gang participate in the contest.
Here, they form alliances and try to cheat the other contestants, as well as themselves, out of first place. See also TV Schedule. Getting Started Contributor Zone ». Top Gap. See more gaps ». Add episode. Top TV Shows of Create a list ». Ongoing Caught Up. See all related lists ». Share this page:. When Mac and Dennis are looking to boost productivity around their apartment, Sweet Dee hires an 'escape room experience' service.
For a chance to get one over on the guys, Dee joins an all-female flight with Artemis, the Waitress, Charlie's mom, and Mac's mom to beat the Wade Boggs 'drinking whilst on a flight' record. Paddy's has been put on a list of bars that are sexually hostile to women, so the gang must attend a sexual-harassment seminar in order to get off the list. Dee gets in with a group of cool, rich housewives. Dennis hits it off with some everyday blue-collar bros. Frank struggles to renew his license, and Charlie and Mac deal with a new generation of bicycle bullies.
Jimmy Buffett is in town and the positive vibes are alive at the bar. However, when Mac comes out of the women's bathroom, no one can leave until the bathroom situation is solved. With nothing to do while their phones update to the latest software, the gang decides to reminisce on old times; as everyone misremembers events from their past, the gang's current reality becomes altered.
While Charlie searches the back office, Cricket steals the suit leaving Charlie home alone to defend himself.