Downloading file with custom name in python
But perhaps, your download was interrupted during the download. What would you do? Another great feature of wget is the flexibility to resume an interrupted or failed download. Below is an example of an interrupted download as you lost your internet connection. The download progress will automatically resume when you get your internet connection back. But in other cases, like if the command prompt unexpectedly crashed or your PC rebooted, how would you continue the download? The --continue option will surely save the day.
Run the wget command below to continue --continue an interrupted download of the wget. Alternatively, you may want to set a certain number of times the wget command will retry a failed or interrupted download. Add the --tries option in the wget command below that sets 10 tries to complete downloading the wget. To demonstrate how the --tries option works, interrupt the download by disconnecting your computer from the internet as soon as you run the command.
Click on the new file icon to create a new Python script file named app. Now, click on the Terminal menu, and choose New Terminal to open a new command-line terminal, as shown below. A virtual environment is an isolated environment for Python projects where the packages required for your project are installed. Run the below commands on your VS Code terminal to install the virtual environment package and create a virtual environment.
Run either of the commands below depending on your operating system to activate your virtual environment. This module eases the applications and implementations of the wget command with Python. When building a Python project, you need to store the packages in a requirements. This file will help you install the same version of the packages used in the future.
Run the commands below to install the Wget module and add it to the requirements. Now, how would you use Python Wget in your next project to download files automatically?
After that, in each iteration, we read a chunk of data and write it to the file opened , and update the progress bar. Here is my result after trying to download a file, you can choose any file you want, just make sure it ends with the file extension.
Alright, we are done, as you may see, downloading files in Python is pretty easy using powerful libraries like requests , you can now use this on your Python applications, good luck!
Here are some ideas you can implement:. By the way, if you wish to download torrent files, check this tutorial. Finally, many of the Python concepts aren't discussed in detail here, if you feel you want to dig more into Python, I highly suggest you get one of these amazing courses:.
Writing a server and client Python scripts that receives and sends files in the network using sockets module in Python. Below is an example extracted from the output of running man wget. We often download files and leave their names as they were called by the owner. To do so, the syntax is very simple.
The command above will download file PowerISO7-x The result is that file at the current working directory under the name PowerISO7-x In practice, we often save the downloading file into a place and rename it to interest and meaningful name.
To obtain this need, we could do with the option O the uppercase of letter o like. The command above will save the latest hugo zip file from GitHub as latest-hugo. To provide an API to Python developers communities, the maintainer and developer wget module hopes to ease applications and implementations of the wget command with Python. The latest version has been released since The source code repository was probably moved or removed. As long as the latest version was released, nobody continues maintaining and developing the module.
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