Distressed debt analysis pdf free download
Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Given this, some of the factors to consider are: Second, Moyer seems to have identified his audience, the educated investor that typically deals with equities but wants to become conversant in distressed debt.
Jul 2, — 9: This book is also available as an ebook. If bank debt is trading at 60, and unsecured debt is trading at 20, clearly the pt premium is being driven primarily by the pledge of the collateral. As a new user, you get over WSO Credits free, so you can reward or punish any content you deem worthy right away.
Jan 10, — 6: Email Address never made public. See and discover other items: But, I appreciated his clear and concise style and sentences. Amazon Second Chance Pass it on, trade it in, give it a second life. A high level overview of a complex segment of the market, but concisely presented into a number of key principles for the distressed investor.
Please try again later. This is not a suitable book for retail investors, unless the issue happens to be very large and liquid e.
Share your thoughts with other customers. Very well dostressed with great insight into how the legal structure of Chapter XI can influence financial decisions.
On the negatives the first is that its written from thr context of the US legal environment. Want to Read Currently Reading Read.
This blog will try mkyer dissect distressed debt investing, up and down the capital structure. With Safari, you learn the way you learn best. We will look at current distressed debt situations, try to explain the ins and outs of how decisions are made in the distressed debt world, probably rant a few times about positions that are working against me, and hopefully enlighten some readers.
Although a shortcoming to the book, any professional investor would have access to materials to become up-to-date on the recent reforms.
Experts in the field, practitioners and academics, offer both diverse and in-depth insights into basic concepts and their application to increasingly intricate and real-world situations.
This volume spans the entire spectrum from theoretical to practical, while attempting to offer a useful balance of detailed and user-friendly coverage. The volume begins with the basics of debt markets and investments, including basic bond terminology and market sectors. Among the topics covered are the relationship between fixed income and other asset classes as well as the differences in fundamental risk. Particular emphasis is given to interest rate risk as well as credit risks as well as those associated with inflation, liquidity, reinvestment, and ESG.
Authors then turn to market sectors, including government debt, municipal bonds, the markets for corporate bonds, and developments in securitized debt markets along with derivatives and private debt markets. The third section focuses on models of yield curves, interest rates, and swaps, including opportunities for arbitrage. The next two sections focus on bond and securitized products, from sovereign debt and mutual funds focused on bonds to how securitization has increased liquidity through such innovations as mortgaged-and asset- backed securities, as well as collateralized debt-, bond-, and loan obligations.
Authors next discuss various methods of valuation of bonds and securities, including the use of options and derivatives. The volume concludes with discussions of how debt can play a role in financial strategies and portfolio creation. Readers interested in a broad survey will benefit as will those looking for more in-depth presentations of specific areas within this field of study.
In summary, the book provides a fresh look at this intriguing and dynamic but often comp. Derivatives Markets and Analysis Author : R. As part of Bloomberg Financial's three part series on securities, Derivatives focuses on derivative securities and the functionality of the Bloomberg system with regards to derivatives.
You'll develop a tighter grasp of the more subtle complexities involved in the evaluation, selection, and management of derivatives, and gain the practical skillset necessary to apply your knowledge to real-world investment situations using the tools and techniques that dominate the industry. Instructions for using the widespread Bloomberg system are interwoven throughout, allowing you to directly apply the techniques and processes discussed using your own data.
Consulting Case Interview Course. Dec 12, — Matrick, sorry there are no responses yet. Recognizing Companies in Idstressed Distress 8. Mind sharing folder again? The author uses numerous real-world examples and case studies to emphasize important concepts and critical issues. Dec 13, — 3: The author uses numerous real-world examples and case studies to emphasize important concepts and critical issues. Moyer has over 25 years of experience in investment analysis and corporate finance.
As a new user, you get over WSO Credits free, so you can reward or punish any content you deem worthy right away. Book ratings by Goodreads. Be the first to review this product. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website.
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