Dice camera action audio files download
I layered several freesound sounds to get a nasty explosion for a short movie that i made. Here is the There was a thick fog Howling wind storm effect created on Nord Lead Virtual Analog synthesizer.
Sampled while twisting various parameter knobs. A recording of a walk on a gravel path at the old soccer field in Golden Gate Park Ca. This is my dog reacting to my big hairy microphone windshield : Really cool growling and whining. The file is Censor beep sound effect created in audacity. Varying tone lengths.
Sound i used for a black-out effect in a TV-show. Re-sampled from FreqMan's lightbulbwink. The show was replaced after sleazy underage allegations. Allegations being the keyword there. WaffleFan Offline. Reply to Andrew Girdwood. Info Contact Us Corrections Privacy. Follow Us Social Media. Supporters Patreon. Geek Native "Hello, I'm your level 7 wandering monster. Online Shows. Loading Comments Email Required Name Required Website. Suspenseful chase action music with a very fast tempo.
Panic music with a very strong feeling of anxiety. Some say this is my best epic suspense music. Action movie music is something suspenseful and very intense. Epic boss battle music using rock and roll guitars and drums. Paranoia is a track with very dark action energy. This instrumental is orchestral based, and provides an intense action and battle feeling.
This epic track is for telling the story of a video game in the main menu. Previous 1 current 2 3 4 Next. Action Rhythms. Escape Chase. The Epic Boss Fight.
Ready to Fight. Action Fight. Sneaky Action. Devils Squid Game. Warrior Gods - By Steve Oxen. Horror Chase Chapter 2.