Power v force free download
When we connect with that power, we stand as if in sunshine. When we use force, we step outside that light. The result in the end is something completely different than what we thought the force would do. Force incites the powers of darkness and the results are within that sphere. This principle is transforming the way that I think and act. Thank you Dr Hawkins! Another read by my hubs that is inexplicably linked to my GR account. Today is not that day. At the time of reading this book I appreciate the overall positive ideas and am glad to have had the exposure to all the various concepts and ideas mentioned in the book - especially the informaiton about the great organization Alcoholics Anonomous and various scientific concepts and theories - good karma there.
I think, however, the desire to back up the theory and prove it all true through Applied Kinesiology, and a logrithimic based scale, etc. This book was valuable in that it did cause me to recall that AK was once demonstrated to me, as one exercise of many, during a very impactful and to me valuable leadership training seminar several years ago. It seemed reasonable enough during that ordeal I suppose, but since I forgot it I guess I never bought into it.
I do agree with Dr. Hawkins that everything is interconnected, and that the outcomes we all come to know can be and probably are influenced by things nobody realizes. And the darn thing about that is much of the writing is so uplifting and good - and as a fan of Bhudism and Christianity I think the basic idea is right - so why does it even need to try and do that.
Another strange thing is I can't find out anything about Dr. Hawkins on Wikipedia, even though I know he's a big name out there. Sep 02, Mallory Backstrom rated it it was amazing. Picking up this book was probably one of the best things I have ever done for my own growth and development. Hawkins was my mentors mentor and was quite prolific in his own right. I found this book to be mentally invigorating and spiritually resonant. My favorite books are the ones that change the mind of the reader, thereby changing the way they view the world.
This book took my stagnant lens and turned it around and around until I found myself viewing a world I had glazed over with mis-creatio Picking up this book was probably one of the best things I have ever done for my own growth and development. This book took my stagnant lens and turned it around and around until I found myself viewing a world I had glazed over with mis-creations. I did not read it in sequential order, which the author advises in his foreword, and found that to be a revolutionary way to let my spirit guide my learning.
It was a faster read this way, my mind never strayed, and for those of us who require scientific rhetoric to explain spiritual experiences this novel rises to the occasion without reading like an outdated textbook. Power Versus Force may be the most acute study of the levels of consciousness.
Hawkins is a master of science and spirituality, which is too rare of a combination. His synthesis of these two branches of inquiry provide insights that neither mere science nor esoteric mystical text can provide.
Hawkins' Map of Consciousness offers a context for understanding how people, cultures, religions, and texts aid or hinder the path. Using muscle testing, Hawkins calibrates various myths, truths, and so Power Versus Force may be the most acute study of the levels of consciousness.
Using muscle testing, Hawkins calibrates various myths, truths, and social systems with a clear intent: what brings us closer to the essence of the unfolding spirit of creation. If you are serious about spiritual development and its impact on individuals and the planet, this study is a cornerstone, profound in its scope and inspiring in intent. A masterpiece and landmark study, even for those who finding the science suspect, as Hawkins story and storytelling make the case for bringing heaven to earth one enlightenment at a time.
Mar 11, Barbara Lemon rated it it was amazing. I read this book years ago. I loved it! What is real power and how do we know when something is true or real? Do you get manipulated or do you manipulate others? Read this book and take a good hard look at yourself! Life changing! If you have no interest in the "metaphysical" or spirituality, this book review and this book may not be for you.
If you are open-minded about spiritual subjects and the application of spiritual sense to business and everyday life, you might find this to be the most important book you have read in some time. Hawkins has the credentials that should command a fair hearing.
He began work in psychiatry in and is currently the director of The Institute for Advanced Theoretical Research. The proposition that Dr. Hawkins presents in this book is "…the human mind is like a computer terminal connected to a giant database. The database is human consciousness itself… with its roots in the common consciousness of all mankind. Hawkins presents a method, using "kinesiological testing", to get an accurate answer to any question except predicting the future with a "yes or no; true or false" answer by accessing the sum total of human experience.
Kinesiological testing is a simple procedure relating to the mind-body connection that can be performed by two people. With his research assistants, Dr. Hawkins has performed thousands of tests of the reliability of the procedure. I invite you to read about it and try it for yourself. Using this method, Dr. Hawkins has made a logarithmic scale ranking of different levels of consciousness, from shame 20 to courage to enlightenment — 1, According to Dr.
Hawkins, effectiveness of activity from the higher states of consciousness is based on power, the influence of good or leadership. The effectiveness of activity from the lower states of consciousness is based on force. Nov 04, Bruce rated it really liked it Shelves: spirituality , personal-development , non-fiction. You don't need to worry about the kinesiology to get the above very awesome stuff out of the book-- just start on page 90 or so, with the descriptions of states of consciousness.
As far as kinesiology goes, I do a one person version of it myself, but my results while worthwhile do not allow me to place absolute faith in it. I tried the 2 person version discussed in the book and did not get good results.
The book mentions cases where this can occur, which suggests that there is perhaps a higher order system of knowing that can encompass the varying results kinesiology sometimes generates.
I also note a few nagging issues. The Book of Revelations scores poorly, but knowledgeable teachers elsewhere suggest it is a coded description of human enlightenment. Alcoholics Anonymous is highly lauded, yet statistics suggest the program isn't that effective. A few copy errors where decimal points get misplaced, yielding inconsistent facts between sections. Some mathematical inconsistencies. That said, I read most of this book twice over a few days, it was that compelling.
Very worthwhile, if not perfect. Apr 05, Lynnette rated it really liked it. A tough read at times, but many interesting and enlightening concepts. I think it warrants a re-read just to really wrap my head around the subject.
It focuses primarily on defining power which is intrinsically good and destined to succeed and force which is intrinsically "bad" and destined for failure. It explores many spiritual concepts of "good" vs. It discusses differences in "spir A tough read at times, but many interesting and enlightening concepts. It discusses differences in "spirituality" vs. There's a lot of discussion on "calibrating" ourselves, elements of our history, discerning between "truth" and "falsehood" and discussing the elements of enlightenment.
At the end, though, while I enjoyed the ideas, I felt that there should be a big disclaimer: "Ok, we just threw a whole bunch of ideas your way, and we've talked about how we calibrate things, but you're kind of on your own from here. Overall, I would recommend this as a solid work for anyone interested in exploring spiritual growth, especially as it relates to your own internal psychology and how we interact on multiple planes with the rest of the world and humanity.
It did manage to read like pages First, like 60 pages he is talking about how awesome this technique is and that "scientific" world just does not get it how cool it is Then he tells technique. Take your hand, the second person pushes it and if it weakens than is "no", it stays strong than is "yes" and you can check anything with it..
The scale is between 0 - and like "breakpoint" is on If you above that you are good. Als It did manage to read like pages Also, if I understood and remember correctly the difference between and is not double. Here if you are it means that your power is 10 to the power of and if you are it means you are 10 to the power of He estimates Einstein, Freud shy before Then he says that the book is calibrated to be !
It is easy. And Thomas Edison just waisted his time I can agree that it can work when you say truth or lie but come on May 13, Mirek Jasinski rated it it was ok.
If I were to recommend this book, it would be with the following qualification: Skip chapters Do not read them. It is mumbo-jumbo and could be dangerous if you believe in the tool that would answer all your questions. Read chapter 4. Levels of human consciousness could give you some food for thought and help you in understanding human motivations.
It could be very useful in life. It's delirium and confusion in search of potential markets for the pseudoscience. As for the rest of the book, you can safely skim and choose the selected chapters which might give you some value, eg. And read with caution. Doctor doctor, as the author used to call himself, is manipulative. He can bring some value to the table but then he can hijack your thoughts, if you are not careful. You have to be very selective in what you will accept. Jul 19, Lee Sinclair rated it really liked it Shelves: nonfiction.
There are lots of things to like about this book, especially the fresh perspective being offered on matters that have been written about before by so many people with so many different views. I've read enough books so it's unusual to find one with a substantial quantity of new information about these topics. Plus the clarity of the writing is very good, given the complex topic being discussed.
Whether you agree with everything he says or not, it can be a very thought-provoking book. My main reser There are lots of things to like about this book, especially the fresh perspective being offered on matters that have been written about before by so many people with so many different views. My main reservation is with his testing method for the "absolute truth" of everything. I was initially intrigued and even excited by the possibility, but the more I read, the more doubts I began to have about it.
Maybe it works for him and others although I can see potential problems with its application no matter who is doing it , but I am definitely one of the group of people he says that it will not work for. In spite of this reservation about what is essentially the basic premise of the book his testing method , it was still well worth the time spent reading it. I may even reread parts of it in the future. Jul 09, Duffy Doherty rated it it was amazing.
I would give this book 6 stars if I could Dr David R. Hawkins provides the certainty that there is truth; immovable unspinnable and accessible to us all using scientific principles. We all experience that deep knowing at times in our lives, but frequently our cultural teachings oxymoron? Well the amazing human nervous system it turns out is connected to the collective consciousness and this book provides methods developed over 30 years of testing that will allow I would give this book 6 stars if I could Well the amazing human nervous system it turns out is connected to the collective consciousness and this book provides methods developed over 30 years of testing that will allow anyone to tap into it!
In addition we learn that different human emotions test out at different level of vibration, and that individuals perceptions of events are entirely colored by their vibrational level. This book will rile a lot of people. Hawkins as well as will read his publications greater than as soon as.
Terrific reference books. I actually enjoyed this book. It validates a lot of thoughts I have had for a very long time. It truly does make the difference between power and pressure. Currently I comprehend people and globe occasions much better.
It is my viewpoint that many do not actually think of their life and also exactly how to live it. I assume the majority of are just roaming around responding to what happens to them. There is an additional way. It is a behavior and practices are hard to make, once you have it, it will certainly offer you well for all the time you invest in the earth. Assuming as well as acting are various than simply reacting. Wayne W. Dyer, motivational speaker and prolific best-selling author.
A masterpiece! A lifetime work! Also suggested: Map of Consciousness or a selection from one of Dr. If I were to pinpoint the catalyst which brought about the most profound change in my life it would be upon completing Power vs.
Force for the first time, then taking David Hawkins as my spiritual teacher and immersing myself in his teachings. The absolutely astounding life change was far beyond any expectation I ever held consciously in mind, at the time I was content enough with the new found information I had received that is contained within the pages of this book and the world that opened up to me and then whammo! Struck with the lightning rod of the Truth of God in an experiential manner is one way of describing it.
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