How to download gpx files to garmin
Advertising with Us. Geocaching Software If you're a GPS user and get tired of hand-entering coordinates into your GPS receiver, downloading geocache information directly to your device is an enjoyable alternative, called "paperless geocaching".
Groundspeak License Agreement In order to download geocaching data from the web site, you must first agree to Groundspeak's license. This contains only the most basic data. The GPX file format has specific geocaching information that can be used by supporting applications. Source code available. They're available in any color and opacity. The ellipsoid will be assumed to be WGS Routes in these files which are basically lists of waypoints should be supported as well.
If you select the text in a table containing track log data on flightaware. Excel However, copying and pasting from your worksheet into the input forms is still quicker and easier in many cases! Time stamps may or may not work properly, depending on the version.
These files, typically called "gps. Note that the files must retain the default name of "RecordTrack. Drawing the axis labels is the new default behavior; if you want to turn them off, open the "advanced options" in the General Parameters section. Of course, as always, you can also supply the URL of a graphic on the Web, but keep in mind that only the built-in ones can be colorized or made semi-opaque.
TMQ C-Plot. Support for C-Plot tracklogs should be coming soon. For example, you can only let in the first X or last X markers e.
This filtering needs to be applied by editing the map's HTML after it's been created, so contact me if you have questions on how to set it up. Note that unlike some other improvements, this one is not retroactive; maps created before today will not have clickable polylines.
Just keep in mind that in Google Maps, you can't apply a color to a custom icon. Select "custom icon" from the bottom of the marker icon drop-down menu, and a box will appear where you can enter the URL of your image.
GPSLogger binary files have a suffix of ". Note that only polygons are supported so far; more WKT support may be added if there is demand for it. Read more about elevation data. Due to a bug in Google's KML output functions, previously only the first leg of the trip would be mapped. It's not orders of magnitude better than the old setup, but it's definitely faster and has 4 times as much memory; hopefully those midday overloads will a bit be less frequent.
Clicking the track's name still toggles the track's visibility. It also has the ability to use Google again. When the spreadsheet is updated, the map will be updated!
See an example here ; to try it with your data, paste its location into the "URL that will be loaded into the map dynamically" box in the Google Maps input form.
And make sure your spreadsheet is "published," preferably using the "auto-publish" feature. An example map is here. This new feature should be easier than having to dump your data into Excel and building text formulas. To see how it works, look in the source of this example page , and feel free to drop me a note if you have questions. It's easy to do it in Excel. Look for "tickmark interval" in the advanced track options.
It's also handy for exploring alternate background imagery e. Most of the parameters you'd want to change are in an easy-to-edit list in the guts of the page. And despite the fact that this is the first "news" item in almost 4 months, smaller updates are happening all the time Instead of a circle, they are now represented by arrows pointing the appropriate direction.
You can also manually rotate any waypoint's icon by including a "rotation" field in your plain-text data. This may be very helpful for things like mapping digital photos. Before, you needed to enter a latitude and longitude for each point. Garmin Connect. Garmin Basecamp. LoadMyTracks Apple computers only. Sign In Register for Free. More How-To Guides How to delete a route How to share private routes with only selected people How to import a route mapped elsewhere How to generate turn by turn directions for imported routes How to add additional notes or directions to a route How to show gradients on a route map How to identify the biggest hill climbs on a route How to join together two or more routes How to create a challenge tracker How to estimate the time to complete a route.
To interpolate means you will be adding in points between the existing points. I do not recommend you select this option unless Strava is mis-reporting your average speed or elapsed time. The reason I do not recommend this option for all files is because it will make the file much larger - it will create a file with one trackpoint every second. The most common use for this option is if you were using the Add Timestamp tool and the source track you were using did not have a high enough trackpoint density.
Most devices record a trackpoint every second up to one trackpoint every 5 seconds. If there is a large gap in time between trackpoints, Strava will consider that to be stopped time - and it will mess up your average speed as well as the graphs related to pace. Another application could be for a swimming activity - if you are trying to achieve a swim moving time that equals your swim elapsed time. Otherwise, if you're using a real device in a real world situation, then this option isn't necessary.
When you check the box, the screen will display a progress bar as it interpolates your track points. After it is done, you should get a message showing how many points you have now. If interpolation is successful, then the checkbox will be grayed out. This is because the tool cannot un-interpolate your files. If you need to reset the interpolation, please refresh the entire page. Sometimes your heart rate monitor can record bad values. This can happen at the beginning of a ride because the interface between your chest and the heart rate strap is dry and not moistened with sweat.
It also happens more often on downhills because the wind can cause your jersey to flap quickly creating static electricity that interferes with the strap. Another cause can be wearing a jacket or vest over a jersey that causes static electricity. It happens more often on dry days than on humid days.
Occasionally, some types of heart rate straps can also be influenced by nearby high voltage power lines. Knowing this may help you prevent bad data in the future. Using this tool, you can set a maximum value - and anything above that value will be discarded. In its place, the last known "good" value will be substituted. For example, if your max heart rate is , enter that value and if you are flying downhill and your monitor records a heart rate of , then the tool will eliminate all of those bad values.
Your browser will remember your previous settings so you do not need to enter this every time. Power meters can sometimes spike and ruin your power curve. Use this feature to eliminate bad data that you know is impossible for you. Spiked data will either be converted to last known good value or to zero. Adjusting Power This number is entered as a percent. Range is from negative percent to positive percent double.
There are three use-cases that I can think of:. Switching Power Meter Pedals between bikes with different crank lengths If you have one pair of power pedals, and do not want to constantly change the crank length in your Garmin and re-calibrate , you can just enter a fixed number in your Device.
Let's say your MTB has mm cranks and your road bike has mm cranks. Tell your device that your cranks are mm. For the road bike, your numbers will be correct.
For the mountain bike, use this tool to increase the reported power by "1. Do not use this to cheat; cheaters only cheat themselves. That tool lets you shift the time in your file - or create new timestamps from scratch with a designated speed. If you are merging two overlapping files, you probably didn't hit the start button in the exact same second for both devices.
An example of when you might need to use this feature is when your GPS died after you completed 90 percent of the ride - and you just want to add in the last 10 percent of the ride from your friend's GPS. In this example, you would upload your ride and your friend's ride to the tool. You would leave your start and end time as-is. Then, on your friend's GPS track, you would copy your end time to your friend's start time.
This means that the tool is going to ignore everything in your friend's file until it gets to the timestamp where your file ends. It works on Mobile Safari, but not Desktop Safari.
The date picker helps you choose an appropriate Date-time range. If you cannot see the date picker, you can check this box to change to a more readable date-time format. Accepted Format could be like this May 05, or I can accept a format like this: T Where is the 4 digit year, 05 is the month with leading zeros, 09 is the day with leading zeros, "T" is there to say that Time comes next.
Time: Every GPS file should have at least one stream: time. If there isn't a time stamp in your file, it will not work with this tool.
Everything you import into this tool is ordered by the UTC time stamp. If the time in your device is settable and doesn't rely on GPS , you need to make sure that the time is set correctly.
If it is not set correctly, your files may not overlap properly. If the time in your file is wrong, you can use my Timestamp Tool to perform a time-shift on your GPS file. The remaining streams can be added to the final file by checking the boxes for each desired stream. By default, we include all streams - but this is not always a good idea. For example, if you are trying to merge two files that occurred at the same time often people will record heart rate on one device and position on another , then you need to choose just one stream from each file.
If you try to select position from two overlapping files, you may get wonky results! Grayed out Streams? You can make choices about the distance stream down below. We offer 3 options: Leave it out, Recalculate, and Use Embedded.
The only time the existing distance stream will be included is if you decide to use the embedded distance tags. See the help on those options to learn about caveats of including distance and when you want to include it. This is because the GPX file schema doesn't have a place to store calorie values.
If you are stringing together rides end-to-end, you may want to check all of the calorie boxes. If you are merging overlapping files such as adding heart rate from a Polar to trainer data from a Garmin , you should only select one calorie value - the one from the more reliable device. If you leave calories unchecked, Strava will recalculate calories for you based on your weight, ride speed and total elevation.
GPX files: Strava accepts a special type of GPX file format that allows us to embed power, cadence, heart rate, and temperature info. GPX is a great output format if you are uploading the combined file to Strava and it was an outdoor activity. As such, I recommend that you use TCX format if you will be uploading a position-less file to Strava.
Examples of position-less files are turbo rides, trainer rides, treadmill runs, pool swims, and indoor activities. If those two items don't affect you, please go with TCX. Also, it opens up the possibility of you overriding the total calories when you export to Strava If the time stamp is within a minute or two of an activity that you have already uploaded to Strava, the activity will be considered duplicate.
This is the only method that Strava currently uses to determine duplicity. So, if we just move the time stamp back in time two to 15 minutes, it will appear as a new activity. If you check this box, we will randomly move the time stamp back in time.
If you don't check this box, the time stamp will be the same one from the first file you uploaded. The concept is the same; we just change that time stamp instead. The FIT file is the only one that has the extra information to differentiate between the two. GPX files don't have anywhere to officially store the GPS name information, however, my tool does try to search the file for clues to auto-detect GPS names.
Sometimes it succeeds. Getting a device added to the list: There is no public list of the IDs, so I'm building it as we go along. If your device is not listed, Contact Me and I will add it. Note that this is only promised to work with Strava, not other websites.
I have been in contact with Strava to ask them to fix it, but only recieved automated replies so far. If you export using the FIT format from my tool, the device name on Strava should look the same as if you uploaded it directly from the device itself; that is one of the advantages of exporting in the FIT format. Strava If you upload to Strava without distance, Strava will recalculate your distance for outdoor workouts.
For indoor workouts, it is impossible to calcuate distance, so the only way you will see distance and speed is if you choose to Embed Existing Distance.
Sites other than Strava If you upload to sites like Garmin connect without distance, Garmin will NOT recalcuate your distance or speed.
This means that if you leave the distance out, you will get a distance and speed of zero on sites like Garmin Connect. If any of these are grayed out, it means your source files do not have either distance or position.
The tool uses position to calculate disance, so if there is no position like an indoor workout , then it is impossible to calculate distance. If none of your files have embedded distance, it will be impossbile to use embedded distance and thus it will be grayed out. That is not a problem if you have GPS points because Strava will just re-calculate the distance anyway.
Websites like Garmin Connect require distance, so don't choose this if you upload to a website other than Strava. If there is no position data such as an indoor workout it is not possible to calculate distance. Now you can also Ignore Big Gaps. Let's say you want to combine two rides with a ferry ride in the middle - but do not want the ferry ride distance to show on Strava. Using the default settings, if the time between points is more than 10 minutes AND the distance between points is more than five miles, when you check this box, the accumulated distance will be removed from the TCX file.
The only issue with using these options is that if you have a lot of gaps greater than these thresholds such as in a longer activity , the tool may run very slowly - perhaps crashing and giving you a error. If you get a error with this feature enabled, try going up to the next highest value. Use Existing Embedded Distance The best choice for indoor workouts. This will use the distance data already present in your file so you get credit on Strava. If you check multiple distance streams, you will get very strange results!
Some files may overlap. This may be intentional if you're using two devices on a trainer for example. Maybe you're recording speed with a Garmin and heart rate with a Polar.