Fulton j sheen books free download

Wow guys, that was tough reading the comments — then I saw Mark Taylor mentioned — so many believe him too! Love in Christ to you both!

I need a miracle. I do still pray for healing, as. Jesus said to KEEP knocking! Email address:. You will receive an email and you will need to confirm your subscription.

Please check your SPAM if you do not receive confirmation email. Please share:. Privacy Policy. Inline Feedbacks. Tom Lessing Discerning the World. Reply to Mick. He also wrote: If any man think himself to be a prophet a preacher of the trutht , or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.

Hi Mick. Deborah Discerning the World. Reply to Mary. The bible is clear that God speaks to us through His Son who is the Word of God, Hebrews 1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things , by whom also he made the worlds; Do you see what happens when you misinterpret scripture like you have?

Marie M Locke. Sign up for Email Updates First name Last name Email address: You will receive an email and you will need to confirm your subscription. Translate Website:. Most Recent Comments. This is to make them envious Romans Thank you Manny for the info.

The fact that there Tom, are you familiar with Gerald McDermott? What is the Unforgivable Sin? Then the church is brought before us, and the whole history of the church is given.

Then, at the end of chapter 3, the church goes to heaven and we see it, not as the church anymore, but as the bride which will come to the earth with Christ when He comes to establish His Kingdom—that thousand—year reign that John will tell us about. It will be a time of testing, for at the end of that period Satan will be released for a brief season. Then the final rebellion is put down and eternity begins. This is the viewpoint of Revelation which is generally accepted.

In our day there are many critics of this interpretation who not only attempt to discount it but say rather harsh things about it. One recent book of criticism, written by a layman, quotes me as being unable to answer his argument. Well, the fact of the matter is that he called me at home one morning as I was getting ready to go to my office.

In his book he makes the statement that I was unable to answer his question. If he misquotes the other Bible expositors as he misquotes me, I would have no confidence in his book whatsoever. In his book he maintains that the premillennial futurist viewpoint is something that is brand new.

When I was a young man and a new Christian, I was introduced to the theory known as postmillennialism. The postmillennialists believed that the world would get better and better, that the church would convert the whole world, and then Christ would come and reign.

Well, that viewpoint is almost dead today. After two world wars, a worldwide depression, and the crises through which the world is passing, there are very few who still hold that viewpoint.

It was to that view that most of the postmillennialists ran for cover. There was one professor in the seminary who was still a postmillennialist. He was very old and hard of hearing. In fact, when they told him that the war was over, he thought they meant the Civil War. He was really a back number, and he was still a postmillennialist.

At the risk of being a little tedious, I am going to give you the viewpoints of many men in the past to demonstrate that they were looking for Christ to return. They were not looking for the Great Tribulation, they were not even looking for the Millennium, but they were looking for Him to come.

This expectation is the very heart of the premillennial viewpoint as we hold it today. Clement A. Polycarp A. Papias A. Justin Martyr A. Irenaeus A. Tertullian A. Canon A. Not until the professing Church lost her first love, and became the harlot resting on the world power, did she cease to be the Bride going forth to meet the Bridegroom, and seek to reign already on earth without waiting for His Advent.

It is the same all through the third and fourth centuries with those Latin theologians who escaped the influence of Greek speculation. My friend, I have quoted these many men of the past as proof of the fact that from the days of the apostles and through the church of the first centuries the interpretation of the Scriptures was premillennial. It is interesting to note that premillennialism was the belief of these very outstanding men of the early church.

It is the only prophetic book in the New Testament. There are seventeen prophetic books in the Old Testament and only this one in the New Testament.

John, the writer, reaches farther back into eternity past than does any other writer in Scripture. Then, when John writes the Book of Revelation, he reaches farther on into eternity future and the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is a blessing promise.

That warning ought to make these wild and weird interpreters of prophecy stop, look, and listen. It is dangerous to say just anything relative to the Book of Revelation because people today realize that we have come to a great crisis in history. To say something that is entirely out of line is to mislead them. Unfortunately, the most popular prophetic teachers in our day are those who have gone out on a limb.

This has raised a very serious problem, and later on we will have repercussions from it. It is not a sealed book. Daniel was told to seal the book until the time of the end see Dan.

To say that the Book of Revelation is a jumble and impossible to make heads or tails out of and cannot be understood is to contradict this. In fact, it is probably the best organized book in the Bible. It is a series of visions expressed in symbols which deal with reality. The literal interpretation is always preferred unless John makes it clear that it is otherwise. It is like a great union station where the great trunk lines of prophecy have come in from other portions of Scripture.

Revelation does not originate or begin anything. Rather it consummates and concludes that which has been begun somewhere else in Scripture. It is imperative to a right understanding of the book to be able to trace each great subject of prophecy from the first reference to the terminal.

There are at least ten great subjects of prophecy which find their consummation here. This is the reason that a knowledge of the rest of the Bible is imperative to an understanding of the Book of Revelation. It is calculated that there are over five hundred references or allusions to the Old Testament in Revelation and that, of its verses, contain references to the Old Testament.

In other words, over half of this book depends upon your understanding of the Old Testament. We need to understand where each began and how it was developed as it comes into the Book of Revelation.

The ten great subjects of prophecy which find their consummation here are these:. The Lord Jesus Christ. He is the subject of the book. The subject is not the beasts nor the bowls of wrath but the Sin—bearer. The first mention of Him is way back in Genesis , as the Seed of the woman. The church does not begin in the Old Testament. The resurrection and the translation of the saints see John 14; 1 Thess.

The Great Tribulation, spoken of back in Deuteronomy 4 where God says that His people would be in tribulation. The Lord Jesus said that Jerusalem will be trodden down of the Gentiles until the Times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. The second coming of Christ. According to Jude 14—15, Enoch spoke of that, which takes us back to the time of the Genesis record. God promised Israel five things, and God says in Revelation that He will fulfill them all.

Now I want to make a positive statement: The Book of Revelation is not a difficult book. The liberal theologian has tried to make it a difficult book, and the amillennialist considers it a symbolic and hard—to—understand book. Even some of our premillennialists are trying to demonstrate that it is weird and wild. Actually, it is the most orderly book in the Bible. And there is no reason to misunderstand it. This is what I mean: It divides itself.

Then we will find that the book further divides itself in series of sevens, and each division is as orderly as it possibly can be. You will find no other book in the Bible that divides itself like that.

To those who claim that it is all symbolic and beyond our understanding, I say that the Book of Revelation is to be taken literally.

And when a symbol is used, it will be so stated. Also it will be symbolic of reality, and the reality will be more real than the symbol for the simple reason that John uses symbols to describe reality. In our study of the book, that is an all—important principle to follow. Therefore, we have no right to reach into the book and draw out of it some of the wonderful pictures that John describes for us and interpret them as taking place in our day.

Some of them are symbolic, symbolic of reality, but not of a reality which is currently taking place. I have visited the ruins of all seven of them and have spent many hours there. In fact, I have visited some of them on four occasions, and I would love to go back tomorrow. To examine the ruins and study the locality is a very wonderful experience.

It has made these churches live for me, and I can see how John was speaking into local situations but also giving the history of the church as a whole. Then after chapter 3, the church is not mentioned anymore. The church is not the subject again in the entire Book of the Revelation. When we see her in the last part of Revelation, she is not the church but the bride. Then beginning with chapter 4, everything is definitely in the future from our vantage point at the present time.

So when anyone reaches in and pulls out a revelation—some vision about famine or wars or anything of that sort—it just does not fit into the picture of our day. We need to let John tell it like it is. In fact, we need to let the whole Bible speak to us like that—just let it say what it wants to say. The idea of making wild and weird interpretations is one of the reasons I enter this book with a feeling of fear. It is interesting to note that the subject of prophecy is being developed in our day.

The great doctrines of the church have been developed in certain historical periods. At first, it was the doctrine of the Scripture being the Word of God. This was followed by the doctrine of the person of Christ, known as Christology. Then the doctrine of soteriology, or salvation, was developed. And so it has been down through the years. Now you and I are living in a day when prophecy is really being developed, and we need to exercise care as to what and to whom we listen.

Luther and Calvin were great shining lights in their times, yet they penetrated not the whole counsel of God…. Be ready to receive whatever truth shall be made known to you from the written word of God.

Therefore, we need to be very sure that all new truth comes from a correct interpretation of the Word of God. As I have indicated, the twentieth century has witnessed a renewed interest in eschatology the doctrine of last things which we call prophecy.

Especially since World War I, great strides have been made in this field. New light has fallen upon this phase of Scripture. All of this attention has focused the light of deeper study on the Book of Revelation. In the notes which I have made on this book, I have attempted to avoid the pitfall of presenting something new and novel just for the sake of being different. Likewise, I have steered clear of repeating threadbare cliches.

Many works on Revelation are merely carbon copies of other works. This goal for which the sperms were competing was smaller in size than the point of a needle. And each sperm was so small that it would have to be magnified thousands of times before it could be seen by the human eye. Yet it is on this microscopic level that your life's most decisive battle was fought.

The head of each of the millions of sperms contained a precious cargo of 24 chromosomes, just as there were 24 in the tiny nucleus of the egg. Each chromosome was composed of jelly-like beads closely strung together. Each bead contained hundreds of genes to which scientists attribute all the factors of your heredity.

The chromosomes in the sperm comprised aft the hereditary material and tendencies contributed by your father and his ancestors; those in the egg-nucleus the inheritable traits of your mother and her ancestors. Your mother and father themselves represented the culmination of over two billion years of victory in the battle to survive. And then one particular sperm — the fastest, the healthiest, the winner — united with the waiting egg to form one, tiny living cell.

The life of the most important living person had begun. For all practical purpose you had inherited from the vast reservoir of the past all the potential abilities and powers you need to achieve you objectives. You were born to be a champion, and no matter what obstacles and difficulties lie in your way, they are not one tenth so great as the ones that have already been overcome at the moment of your conception.

Victory is built in to every living person. Take the case of Irving Ben Cooper who was one of America's most respected judges. But this was very far from the way young Ben Cooper thought of himself as a young boy.

Joseph, Missouri. His father was an immigrant tailor who earned little money. Many days there simply wasn't enough to eat. To heal their small home, Ben used to take a coal scuttle, and walk down to the railroad tracks that ran nearby. There he would pick up pieces of coal. It embarrassed Ben to have to do it. He'd often try to sneak through the bad streets so children from school wouldn't see him.

But they often did. There was one gang of boys in particular who found great sport in ambushing Ben on his way home from the tracks and beating him up. They would scatter his coal all over the street and send him home with tears streaming from his eyes. Thus it was that Ben lived in a more or less permanent state of fear and self-despising.

Something happened, as it always must when we break the pattern of defeat. The victory within us does not assert itself until we are ready. Ben was inspired to positive action because he read a book. In it Ben read the adventures of a youngster like himself who was faced with great odds, but who overcame these odds with the courage and moral strength which Ben wished to possess.

The boy read every one of the Horatio Alger books he could borrow. As he read, he lived the part of the hero. All winter he sat in the cold kitchen reading stories of courage and success, unconsciously absorbing a Positive Mental Attitude.

Some months after he had read his first Horatio Alger book, Ben Cooper was again making a trip down to the railroad tracks. Off in the distance he saw three figures dart behind a building. His first thought was to turn and run.

Then he remembered the courage that he had admired in his book heroes, and, instead of turning, his hand gripped the coal scuttle more tightly and he marched straight ahead, as if he were one of the Alger heroes.

It was a brutal fight. The three boys jumped Ben all at the same time. His bucket dropped, and he started flailing his arms with a determination that caught the bullies by surprise.

Ben's right hand smashed into the lips and nose of one of the boys — his left hand into his stomach. To Ben's surprise, the boy stopped fighting and turned and ran. Meanwhile the other two boys were hitting and kicking him. Ben managed to push one boy away and knock the other down.

He jumped on the second boy with his knees, while he plowed punch after punch into his stomach and jaw — as if he were mad. Now there was just one boy left. This was the leader. He had jumped on top of Ben. Ben managed to pull him aside and get on his feet.

For a second the two boys stood and looked each other squarely in the eyes. And then, bit by bit, the leader stepped backwards. He, too, ran away. Perhaps it was righteous indignation, but Ben picked up a chunk of coal and threw it at the retreater.

It wasn't until then that Ben realized that his nose was bleeding and that he had black and blue marks on his body from the punches and kicks he had received. It was worth it! It was a great day in Ben's life. In that moment he overcame fear. Ben Cooper wasn't much stronger than he had been a year earlier. His attackers were no less tough.

The difference came in Ben's own mental attitude. He had faced danger in spite of fear. He decided that no longer was he going to be pushed around by bullies. From now on, he himself was going to change his world. And, of course, this is exactly what he did. The boy gave himself an identity.

When he fought the three bullies on the street that day, he was not lighting as frightened, undernourished Ben Cooper. He was fighting as Robert Coverdale or any other of the plucky and daring heroes of Horatio Alger's books. Identifying one's self with a successful image can help break the habits of self-doubt and defeat which years of NMA set up within a personality.

Another and equally important successful technique for changing your world is to identify yourself with an image that will inspire you to make the right decisions. It can be a slogan, a picture, or any other symbol that is meaningful to you. He noticed a large photograph of himself on the wall of the office of Dorothy Jones, a private secretary.

Dorothy responded, "When I have a problem, do you know what I do? Dotti's remarks seem rather humorous. Yet the essence of her idea is startling. Perhaps you have a picture in your office, your home, or in your wallet, that could give you the right answer to an important question in your life.

Yours may be a picture of your mother, father, wife, husband — of Benjamin Franklin or Abraham Lincoln. It may be that of a saint. What will your picture say to you? There is one way to find out. When you are faced with a serious problem or decision, ask your picture a question. Listen, for the answer. Another essential ingredient for changing your world is to have definiteness of purpose, one of the 17 principles of success. Definiteness of purpose, combined with PMA, is the starting point of all worthwhile achievement Remember — your world will change whether or not you choose to change it.

But you have the power to choose its direction. You can select your own targets. When you determine your definite major aims with PMA, there is a natural tendency for you to use seven of the success principles: BC. Robert Christopher had definiteness of purpose with PMA. Now, let's see how the natural tendencies for these additional principles manifested themselves in this success story.

For, like many boys, Bob's imagination was stimulated while he read Jules Verne's thrilling, imaginative story Around the World in 80 Days. I believed that any given aim could be accomplished if I had faith and confidence that it could be. That is: if I started from where I was to get to where I wanted to be. Also, he made notes of what he thought were workable answers to each. Now Bob Christopher was an expert photographer and he did have a camera.

It was a good one at that. When he reached his decision, he went into action: BC 7. Around the world in 80 days? No — Robert Christopher went around the world in 84 days. But he did accomplish his objective. Let us repeat: The starting point of all achievement is definiteness of purpose with PMA. Remember this statement and ask yourself, what is my goal?

What do I really want? Based on the people we see in our PMA Science of Success course, we estimate that 98 out of every persons who are dissatisfied with their world do not have a clear picture in their minds of the world they would like for themselves. Think of it! Think of the people who drift aimlessly through life, dissatisfied, struggling against a great many things, but without a clear-cut goal. Can you state, right now, what it is that you want out of life?

Fixing your goals may not be easy. It may even involve some painful self-examination. These advantages come almost automatically. The first great advantage is that your subconscious mind begins to work under a universal law: "What the mind of man can conceive and believe — the mind of man can achieve with PMA. It goes to work to help you get there. Because you know what you want, there is a tendency for you to try to get on the right track and head in the right direction.

You get into action. Work now becomes fun. You are motivated to pay the price. You budget your time and money. You study, think, and plan. The more you think about your goals, the more enthusiastic you become. And with enthusiasm your desire turns into a burning desire. You become alerted to opportunities that will help you achieve your objectives as they present themselves in your everyday experiences.

Because you know what you want, you are more likely to recognize these opportunities. These four advantages are illustrated by an early experience of the man who was later to become editor of the Ladies Home Journal. Edward Bok came from Holland as a boy with his parents. He was imbued with the idea that some day he was going to run a magazine. With this specific goal before him, he was able to seize upon an incident so trivial that with most of us it would have passed unnoticed.

He saw a man open a package of cigarettes, take a slip of paper from it, and drop the paper on the floor. On it was a picture of a famous actress. Below the picture was a statement that this was one of a series. The cigarette buyer was urged to collect the complete set of pictures.

Bok turned the piece of paper over and noticed that the back side was perfectly blank. Bok's mind, filled as it was with a purpose, sensed an opportunity here.

He reasoned that the value of the picture enclosed in the package of cigarettes would be greatly enhanced if the blank side were devoted to a brief biography of the person pictured. He went to the lithograph firm, which printed the enclosure and explained his idea to the manager. The manager promptly said: I'll give you ten dollars each if you will write me a word biography of famous Americans. Send me a list, and group them — you know: presidents, famous soldiers, actors, authors, and so on.

The demand for his short biographies became so great that he needed help, so he offered his brother five dollars each if he would help him. Before long, Bok had five journalists busy turning out biographies for the lithograph presses.

Bok — he was the editor! At first the world was not particularly kind to Edward Bok or Judge Cooper. And yet each carved from the raw material around him a career of great satisfaction. And each one did it by developing the many talents he found within himself.

If life hands us a problem, it hands us also the abilities with which to meet the problem. And even though you are in ill health, you can nonetheless lead a useful and happy life. You may fear ill health is too great a handicap to overcome. If this is true, take courage from the experience of Milo C. Milo had not tried to acquire wealth when he had good health. And then he became sick. When he became sick, the odds were stacked heavily against him.

Here's the story of his experience. When Milo C. Jones had been in good health he had worked very hard. He was a farmer and he operated a small farm near Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. But somehow he seemed unable to make his farm yield much more than the bare necessities for himself and his family. This kind of existence went on year after year.

Then suddenly something happened! Jones was stricken with extensive paralysis and confined to his bed. Here was a man who late in life became completely incapacitated. He was barely able to move his body. His relatives were certain he would be permanently unhappy as a hopeless invalid. And he would have been had not something more happened to him. And he made it happen. It brought the kind of happiness to him that comes with achievement and financial success.

What was it Jones used to bring about this change? He used his mind. Yes, his body was paralyzed. But his mind was unaffected. He could think and he did think and plan. One day while engaged in thinking and planning, he recognized the most important living person with the magic talisman with PMA on one side and NMA on the other. He saw clearly that he was a mind with a body. He made his own decision right then and there!

Milo C. Jones chose to develop a positive mental attitude. He chose to be hopeful, optimistic, happy and to convert creative thinking into reality by starting right from where he was. He wanted to be useful. And be wanted to support his family, instead of being a burden to them.

But how could he turn his disadvantage into advantage? He didn't let this vital problem stop him. He found the answer. First, Jones counted his blessings. He discovered that he had so very much for which to be thankful. This thankfulness led him to search for additional blessings which he might enjoy in the future. And because he was searching for, among other things, a way to be useful, he found and recognized that for which he was looking.

It was a plan and it required action. So Jones went into mental action. He revealed the plan to members of his family. Every one of you can, if you will, take the place of my hands, feet, and physical body. Let's plant every tillable acre of out farm in corn. Then let's raise pigs and feed them the corn. Let's slaughter the pigs while they are young and tender and convert them into sausages. And then we can package and sell them under a brand name.

We'll sell them in retail stores all over the country. In a few years the brand name "Jones" Little Pig Sausages" became a household byword. And these four words became a symbol that tantalized the appetites of men, women, and children throughout the nation.

And Milo C. Jones lived to see himself a millionaire. He had achieved something even more through a positive mental attitude. For he bad flipped his talisman to PMA. And thus although he was physically handicapped, he became a happy man. He was happy because he was useful. A formula to help you change your world. Fortunately not every life is faced with such great difficulties. Yet everyone has problems.

And everyone reacts to motivating symbols through suggestion or self-suggestion. A most effective form is a self- motivator deliberately memorized for the purpose of flashing from the subconscious to the conscious in time of need. What, then, is a formula that can help you change your world? Memorize, understand, and repeat frequently throughout the day: What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve with PMA.

It is a form of self-suggestion. It is a self- motivator to success. When it becomes a part of you, you dare to aim higher. Bill was a sickly farm boy in the southeastern Missouri country. A dedicated grammar school teacher motivated young William Danforth to change his world. The teacher did this with a challenge: I Dare You!

He became the healthiest boy in his school. Before he died at the age of 85, he helped thousands of other youths develop good health — and something more: to aspire nobly, to adventure daringly, and to serve humbly. During his long career be never lost a day at work because of illness. I Dare You! The Ralston Purina Company.

Today this book is inspiring boys and girls, men and women, to have the courage to make this world a better world to live in. What a remarkable testimony to the power of a self-motivator to develop a positive mental attitude!

Are you, yourself, ever tempted to blame the world for your failures? If so, pause and reconsider. Does the problem lie with the world, or with you? Dare to learn the 17 success principles! Dare to memorize self-motivators! Dare to apply them with the full assurance that they will work for you just as effectively as they are working every day for hundreds of others. Perhaps you need to learn to think mere accurately.

Be guided by Pilot No. Then turn to Chapter Three. Its purpose is to help you — clear the cobwebs from your thinking. You can change your world! Have you thought about the high goals you would like to achieve? Imprint the 17 success principles indelibly in your memory.

Have you memorized them? Do you tend to "blame the world"? If you do, memorize the self-motivator: If the man is right, his world will be right. Is your immediate world right? You were born to be a champion. For all practical purposes, you have inherited from the vast reservoir of the past all the potential abilities and powers you need to achieve your objectives.

Are you willing to pay the price to develop your abilities and use the powers within you? Identify yourself with a successful image, as Irving Ben Cooper did. Who will you select? Ask yourself an important question: What will your picture say to you?

Listen for the answer. Definiteness of purpose with PMA is the starting point of all worthwhile achievement. Have you selected some definite, specific, desirable goal? Will you keep it in mind daily? When you determine your definite aims, there is a tendency for several additional success principles to begin to operate automatically to help you achieve them.

Everyone has many talents for surmounting his special problems. What special talents do you think you have that you can develop?

Here is a formula that has helped many to change their world: What the mind of man can conceive and believe the mind of man can achieve with PMA. Have you memorized this formula? Treasure in Clay Author : Fulton J. Completed shortly before his death in , Treasure in Clay is the autobiography of Fulton J. Sheen, the preeminent teacher, preacher, and pastor of American Catholicism.

Sheen had the ears of everyone from presidents to the common men, women, and children in the pews, and his uplifting message of faith, hope, and love shaped generations of Catholics. Treasure in Clay is a classic book and a lasting testament to a life that was worth living. Sheen, this scintillating collection captures the essence of one of the greatest religious leaders of our day. Devout priest, powerful orator, and prolific writer, participant in Vatican Council II and director of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, Fulton Sheen was internationally recognized through his radio and television ministry, his scores of books and syndicated columns, and his worldwide travel.

Arranged alphabetically by topic and containing 1, entries on hundreds of subjects — from Absolution to Zoophilists — this comprehensive anthology exemplifies the tremendous faith, wisdom, humor, and goodness of the beloved prelate. Speakers, too, will find here a useful resource for that needed "right quote" or apt illustration. The Quotable Fulton Sheen is a one-volume treasure trove for readers of all ages. Simple Truths Author : Fulton J.

Sheen's newspaper columns this collection of Simple Truths attest to Sheen's giftedness in tapping the pulse of a culture and introducing light into dark situations. It was part of an era that encompassed polemic contrasts of good and evil on the world stage in political philosophies and international relations.


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